Background/ Why Is This Important?
Diabetes is a worldwide health issue that continues to grow. It’s expected that in the next 20 years, the incidence of diabetes will double from the current 285 million cases. Managing diabetes is especially challenging for children and adolescents whose bodies are growing and developing. Approximately 2,200 BC children and youth have Type 1 diabetes, and the rate of diagnosis for children with Type 2 diabetes is increasing, particularly among girls.
What Actions Have Already Been Taken?
Child Health BC has been involved in several initiatives focused on supporting an integrated, evidence-based approach to improve diabetes care in British Columbia. Initiatives include:
- Data collection and analysis
- Development of educational resources to help families manage their child’s diabetes
- Determining the key components and competencies required to support diabetes care in schools
- Workshops to inform policymakers, educate health practitioners, and guide health service delivery development, including:
- Two provincial interprofessional workshops: one to initiate the planning and implementation of a BC pediatric diabetes program designed to meet provincial and national standards, and a second to help practitioners further develop their knowledge and skills, share best practices, and collaborate.
- Workshops to help health authorities advance a high quality and consistent approach to diabetes management.
Where Are We Now?
Child Health BC recently led a collaborative planning process towards a coordinated system of care for children in BC with diabetes. Provincial consultation and planning has involved health authority leaders (operational and medical), pediatric endocrinologists, pediatricians, diabetes educators and parent representatives from across BC. Work has included:
• Surveying locations where children are currently accessing care
• Determining care standards
• Designing a clinical system to meet the standards using the Tiers of Service framework
• Advancing quality improvement & research and supporting education for patients, families and professionals.
Health authorities in BC are currently working together with Child Health BC on implementation of the coordinated province-wide system of care for children and youth with diabetes.